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A Nation Divided: A Response to
Jesse Jackson
By J.J. Johnson - Posted: 12.12.00

Thank you, Jesse for finally showing your hand and showing your
true colors (no pun intended). But, before you play the last
trump card of the typical socialist (i.e. violence), it's time to lay
our cards on the table. You claim there will be a 'civil rights
explosion.' Take to the streets, sir, and you might find a different
kind of resistance against you.

To Jesse and his minions, this is no surprise; only that no
democratic leader has disavowed your comments yet. In fact, we
predicted you would take this route -as the last desperate act of
a tyrant. You'll find a bunch of conservative commentaries to
your threats, and you'll get plenty of face time to preach your
sedition. But most would not dare say what needs to be said to
you and your ilk, in fear of being labeled some evil stereotype.
This of course, doesn't apply to me. So I'll say it for all of us.

Go ahead - make our day.

To us, Mr. Jackson, it isn't about skin color. It's not even about
George W. Bush. It's about the Constitution and the Rule of Law.
That is what your side has sought to destroy. And before you
throw the first punch, perhaps you should take a look at what
your side as done to our side over the past few years.

One of the reasons your 'Massa' Gore lost is because he lost
every state of the Old Confederacy (including Florida). Some of
these states were usually democratic strong holds - until now.
Here's why: Southerners are fed up with your minions attacking,
slandering, and even causing damage to our ancestors, our
history, and the symbols thereof. In your arrogance, you never
thought there would be a backlash. You never thought about
how many people you were insulting. You never considered, with
your stupid boycotts and protests, how many black people were

You see, that flag you hate wasn't about slavery. It was about
state's rights. You call that a code phrase for racism. But you
don't criticize Gore's lawyers for using a state's rights argument
before the courts these days. Remember this about the Ol'
South: Tallahassee was the one state Capitol the Yankees never
occupied. We call this "Just Desserts."

Next, the West. We're watching now as your 'boy' Clinton is on a
rampage to steal as much land as he possibly can from us. He's
been doing that for 8 years. Our goal is to put a stop this. We
know your guy has even worse plans for Westerners. Hence - he
lost the West as well.

Those are just two reasons. There's also hate crimes, affirmative
action, quotas, abuse of power, gun control and a host of issues
that our side finds insulting. We are tired of having free speech
dictated to us by you. We are tired of being called names just for
believing in something. Businessmen are tired of being extorted
by you. Taxpayers are tired of supporting you. And America is
tired of listening to you.

Please do not consider yourself a "Civil Rights" leader. If Martin
Luther King, Jr. were alive today, I submit that he would have
been the first to speak out against your actions. You, Jesse
Jackson are leading what many considered a noble Civil Rights
Movement into the sewer, and the actions of your ilk only make
race relations worse. You seem to have no problem using people
as weapons against others. You insist on waging class warfare -
but you've never had an 'exit strategy'. Perhaps this is why you
simply can't just go away.

And no, I'm not just referring to black people, either. There are
just as many narrow-minded whites, and illegal immigrants who'll
rally around you - or march to your orders.

But this time, it'll be different. Your opposition no longer fears
your threats. In fact, you were probably talking so loud you
didn't hear gun safeties being released around the country after
your words were spoken. You, Mr. Jackson, and those who
support you have become predictable. Your propaganda has
become intolerable.

Rather than fearing you will "take to the streets", we're banking
on it. Yes, go protest in front of the federal buildings. Close them
down for all we care. If you want to burn down your own
neighborhoods, we'll give you the matches. It you want to burn
down the cities, we only ask that you give us time to buy
marshmallows. Since your fellow actors will be leaving the country
soon, we'll need something to entertain ourselves. Watching
those Blue areas erupt in a "civil right's explosion' beats watching
Oprah and Rosie any day.

A word to the wise: Don't take
your anarchy to those Red Areas.
There are some just waiting for a
chance to deal with such insanity -
directly. And don't think making
enough trouble to force Clinton to
call in the military will work either.
Most of them didn't vote for Gore.

And after you're done yelling,
screaming "burn, baby, burn", don't ask us for one "red" dime to
rebuild anything. Don't ask us to "be tolerant." Don't ask us to
"be compassionate" about the whole thing. We don't need any
more "sensitivity training." With any luck, you'll riot, get thrown in
jail, and we won't have to worry about your followers being too
stupid to read a ballot anymore - since they'll lose the right to
vote. And if you decide to take your wrath out on Bush
supporters, you'll end up with less supporters - period.

The smarter among you would be better off helping those rich
Hollywood freaks pack their bags. Seeing the left take it to the
streets will just motivate all those truckers not to deliver
ANYTHING to those Blue Areas, and the rest us of to just stay
home and watch - locked and loaded. And finally - on a personal
note to Mr. Jesse Jackson: You say you will never accept Bush
being your President? Not a problem. I've never accepted you as
my leader, either.

J.J. Johnson (not one of the neo-brown shirts)A Nation Divided: A Response to
Jesse Jackson
By J.J. Johnson - Posted: 12.12.00

A big thank you to J.J. Johnson and Sierra Times for generously allowing this article to be reprinted. He has truly written some excellent words for the likes of Mr. Jackson (I'm sorry, but I cannot bring myself to call him Rev.) and I would strongly encourage you to visit and do some furthur reading.
